10 Most Common Discomforts During Pregnancy for the Future Mother - Limonadapp

10 Most Common Discomforts During Pregnancy for the Future Mother

Por: Ana Paula


It is indisputable the joy and happiness that every woman feels when she learns that she will be a mother. It is a moment of great emotion, just as it is also full of insecurity and worries, and doubts may arise at all times about what the future pregnancy will be like. All of this is completely natural and more when it comes to a first-time mother.

The female body already in the first weeks begins to undergo physical and hormonal changes, thus preparing for the baby that is about to arrive. All these changes cause symptoms and some can be more uncomfortable than others, and each woman reacts differently, sometimes being more intense or even going unnoticed.


As we know that this process can cause doubts in future mothers, in today’s publication we will talk a little about what can bother you during the gestation period. Check out!

1- Nausea and vomiting, especially in the first trimester

Nausea and vomiting are one of the most uncomfortable symptoms during pregnancy. Any smell can bother you, even if you are used to them every day. And it’s not just the smell of food, even your partner’s perfume can make you nauseous.

Also, nausea can be accompanied by vomiting or not. Sometimes the pregnant woman may start to feel nauseous, and after a few minutes it disappears.

The good news is that after the fourth month, these symptoms tend to disappear. As well they can last up to 40 weeks of pregnancy. Everything will depend on the organism of each woman.

2- Tiredness and fatigue

It could be said that, in most cases, the pregnant woman, more than tiredness and fatigue, experiences a feeling of exhaustion. This appears in the first trimester of gestation, and is not due to the size of the belly or the weight of the fetus.

What really causes this to happen are the physical and hormonal changes that the body begins to undergo in the first few weeks.

3- Back pain

Body aches and especially back pain are the result of tiredness, weight gain and adaptation to the new center of gravity. With this, the spine will have a different curvature during the 9 months of gestation.

At the same time, the woman’s organism begins to produce a new hormone called elastin, which fulfills the function of relaxing the body’s joints.

4- Changes in the breasts

Breasts are a very sensitive part of the female body. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the woman begins to feel greater sensitivity. This occurs because the mammary glands and ducts progressively enlarge, branch out and thus form a complete feeding system.

Among these changes, the color of the nipple can also be affected, as blood flow in this region will increase. If you’re noticing the difference, it’s not cause for alarm.

5- Swelling of the legs, ankles and feet

This happens due to the growth of the uterus, which compresses the blood vessels, causing congestion between the return circulation of the lower limbs and the heart. As a consequence, there is a dilation of the peripheral vascular system.

Soon this causes the swelling of the legs, ankles and feet.

6- Mood swings

Certainly mood swings are something that people close to the pregnant woman notice quite often. And these changes can happen in a matter of moments. While the woman can be happy and cheerful, from one moment to the next she can change completely and want to isolate herself completely and not talk to anyone.

This is related to the hormonal changes that are happening all the time. If you’re experiencing this, know that it’s completely normal, and most pregnant women have experienced it.

7- Trouble sleeping

It can be said that every pregnant woman suffers at bedtime, and even more so when her belly is already bigger. It’s really hard to find a comfortable sleeping position. And even worse if the woman used to sleep in a prone position.

8- Constipation


With the enlargement of the uterus, it begins to oppress the intestines and is associated with the physical changes that the female body is beginning to undergo. Therefore, the woman may feel uncomfortable when performing her physiological needs.

9- Changes in taste and smell


These symptoms are quite common, even if little is said about them. From the third month of gestation, the woman may feel a somewhat strange metallic taste in her mouth. As it is also quite normal to get sick when trying some foods.

And of course the famous cravings can appear, which arise from the most diverse flavors or foods. Or even really bizarre things.

10- Headache


Another symptom that many women complain about during this period is the uncomfortable headache. This is also due to hormonal fluctuations, where hormones are starting to adapt to this new body process.

This is more common than many people think, and if you have previously suffered from migraines, the picture may get worse.

In these cases, before taking any medicine, the most recommended thing is to consult with your trusted doctor.


In conclusion, the journey of pregnancy is a unique and transformative experience for every woman. While it brings the joy of anticipation and new life, it also comes with its share of discomforts. From morning sickness to mood swings, back pain to changes in taste and smell, these symptoms are all part of the incredible process of bringing a new life into the world.

It’s essential to remember that each woman’s experience is different, and what matters most is seeking proper guidance and care throughout this incredible journey. By staying informed and consulting with healthcare professionals, expectant mothers can navigate these discomforts with confidence and embrace the beautiful moments that pregnancy brings.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pregnancy

1. What are the most common symptoms during the first trimester of pregnancy?
The most common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, breast changes, and alterations in taste and smell.

2. When do nausea and vomiting symptoms usually subside during pregnancy?
Typically, these symptoms diminish after the fourth month of pregnancy, although they may persist in some women until the end of pregnancy.

3. How does pregnancy affect sleep quality?
Pregnancy can make sleep more uncomfortable due to the growing belly and difficulties in finding a comfortable sleeping position.

4. Is it normal to experience frequent mood swings during pregnancy?
Yes, mood swings are common due to hormonal fluctuations. Most pregnant women experience these changes at some point during pregnancy.

5. How does pregnancy impact the quality of sleep?
Pregnancy can make sleep more uncomfortable due to the growing belly and difficulties in finding a comfortable sleeping position. It’s especially challenging for women who are used to sleeping on their stomachs.

6. How can I manage constipation during pregnancy?
Constipation can be relieved by maintaining a diet rich in fiber, staying adequately hydrated, and engaging in light physical activity. Always consult your doctor before using any laxatives.

7. When should I seek medical guidance for symptoms like headaches during pregnancy?
If you experience severe or persistent headaches during pregnancy, it’s essential to consult your doctor before taking any medication.

8. What should I do if I have unusual food cravings?
Food cravings are common. Be sure to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, but don’t hesitate to satisfy these cravings occasionally.

9. When should I start preparing for childbirth?
It’s advisable to begin preparing for childbirth in the second trimester by discussing your birth plan with a healthcare professional.

10. How can I alleviate back pain during pregnancy?
Practicing stretching and strengthening exercises, wearing comfortable shoes, and using support pillows while sleeping can help alleviate back pain.

11. What is essential to remember during pregnancy?
It’s crucial to maintain regular medical check-ups, follow your doctor’s guidance, maintain a healthy diet, engage in light exercise, and, above all, take care of yourself during this unique phase of life.

Be sure to check out our article: Online Pregnancy Test: Symptoms and Information. You’ll be surprised at how it will help you clarify doubts on the subject. Additionally, we have a variety of engaging topics to share. Explore right now!

Posted and reviewed Ana Paula Lifestyle on 13/09/23
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